Monday, August 4, 2008

Sew and Show - "Jayme" Tanks

I used the pattern for the "Jayme Dress" at Sewingmamas to make some new tank tops for Kaia. The largest size I could find in the downloads was a 4T, so I used the general shape of it to come up with a size 7.

My first attempt isn't shown here, as it was in the wash, but it wasn't a great fit. It gaped in the front and back, and the straps were waaay to long. I hacked a few inches out of the straps on that one to make it wearable, then modifed the pattern again. The shirts shown here have 1/2" taken from the center, then added back to the sides to keep the shirt from being too snug. 5 3/4" straps seem to be the right length to keep the shirt decent. None of them are getting hemmed, my theme here is "quick & easy," and it doesn't matter so much with knits anyway.

The shirt is a baby rib I think I got at ages ago, you can't see the print, but it's ballerina bunnies. Kaia loves it, she has a nightgown from it too. I used FOE (foldover elastic) for the straps. I promised she could do a special pose after one normal picture. :-)

And of course, Doug had to get in on the act!

Last two shirts have fabric straps, and I like the way these turned out too. I just hate ironing the binding strips, I manage to burn myself everytime I use the iron! I was talking to my friend Lisa as I finished them, and she reminded me that I have a gazillion iron-ons. So, they says "Flower Power" and "Chicks Rock." Kaia was tickled pink by the chicks shirt.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

Those are so cute! And oh my gosh when did Kaia get so tall?!