Thursday, June 5, 2008

Aw maaaaan

I just saw a roadkill grey rat snake in the entrance to my neighborhood this morning. It was two big to be the one I posted about earlier, but I'm still bummed. Rat snakes are so cool & useful, that I'm sad that one got creamed. Hopefully, the little guy we let go in the backyard will stay out of harm's way and gift us with many offspring.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Two more boy pics

Doug is at a particularly yummy age. I could just eat him up with kisses. Two years old is just so fun! Wes and I still aren't very happy with the quality of the pictures we get with our new camera, but it probably has a lot to do with our learning curve. I thought these two pictures turned out tolerably well though. Dougie gets called "her" and "she" a lot by strangers in public, but we just love his curls. We discuss cutting his hair on a daily basis, but somehow we continue to procrastinate. Maybe when he turns three.

It seems like Doug is talking so much sooner than the older two kids, I think he is trying to keep up with Kaia and Rowan. He can tell us just about anything he wants, from "more juice please" to "I hidin'. I hidin' [from] you," and he enjoys singing lots of songs.
He lives to go outside, and will sneak out any chance he gets. He's the reason we now have alarms or chimes on all of the doors. Douglas can't open them yet, but I need to know if a big sibling has accidentally let him escape.

Dougie amazes us with how much food he eats. There are times when he eats more than his two siblings combined at one meal. We're not sure where he puts it, I fully expect him to sprout up to six feet tall in the blink of an eye one day. His current hobby is taking the green "balls" off of my tomato plants and trying to eat them. Hopefully, he will miss some and we'll enjoy some ripe tomatoes soon.
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Happy Kid

Is this a happy boy or what? I finally took the Lightening McQueen fabric he's been dragging around for months and turned it into a new camp shirt. From the Ottobre best shirts supplemental pattern, size 110. Me boyo is getting BIG.
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