Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How to Get Kids to Eat KALE!

No one ever really believes me when I say my kids eat kale, spinach and collards without gagging to death. Even my middle child, who generally does not eat anything green. Therefore, I have fully documented how to do it -- the secret is that you have them cook it!

First, they pick all the leaves off the stems. We get a really nice, prewashed, organic kale from our local CSA. I think you can also buy kale at the grocery store chopped in bags, in which case it would only need washing and drying. Don't skip the drying, it helps the oil and salt stick in the next step.

Next, the kids toss the kale with a little olive oil. Notice the parental hand helping the three-year-old with this step to avoid a flood.

Finally, sprinkle with salt. This batch got a little too much salt because I forgot to take a picture during the first sprinkling. Then, when Kaia posed with the salt a second time so I could take a picture, she accidentally dumped more salt on it.

I roast the kale in the oven at 425*, checking it and turning it every 5-6 minutes. It usually only takes 10-12 mintues total. The last picture is what it looks like at the first check, it wasn't quite crispy yet. It gets crispy and crunchy like potato chips, and the kids gobble it down. The kale is quite good, but I love spinach done this way the best.

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