Wednesday, July 9, 2008

If the shoe fits...

I have not taken very many good pictures since we got the new camera. Hopefully, I'll have time to read the manual and figure the darn thing out sometime soon. Now, being high-strung and melodramatic isn't really a character trait we want to encourage in our little girl, but some things just can't be helped. This is the kid that screams bloody murder for the slightest owie after all. And God forbid she gets a splinter, getting it out is more painful for my eardrums than for Kaia's finger.

When I saw this fabric, I *knew* she had to have a dress out of it. So, here it is -- my little Drama Queen's new dress. I would have fussy-cut the front to have the words in the middle, but I had barely a yard this fabric I swiped from Wendy. The neck and sleeves are black hemp jersey, and I went for the lazy, ahem, trendy, deconstructed serged edges instead of a hem.
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